(Click link to read the Bible verses that outline those events)

Adam and Eve had a care-free existence in the Garden of Eden until they disobeyed God's one forbidden rule. Where was the Garden of Eden? Genesis 2:10-17 lists 4 rivers, 2 of which still exist in the Mesopotamian area where modern-day Iraq resides. Knowing what we do of the civilizations that sprung up immediately afterwards, when they were kicked out of the Garden and went east, they more than likely wound up in what we now know as the country of Iran, near the Persian Gulf. The 2 other rivers aren't certain; but, the Fertile Crescent may have included Egypt.

Noah and his family survive the Flood in the Ark - Genesis 6, 7, 8
More than likely, it was during or shortly after the Flood that the
landmass split apart into the continents we now know.

Japheth's offspring mostly sailed the Mediterranean Sea to populate Europe, but also appears to have pushed into Asia. The Phoenicians were known as very good ship-builders from whom Greek & Roman ships got their designs. The Celts, Cimmerians and Scythians are believed to have come from Japheth's line through Gomer while the Greeks, and early Phoenicians such as the Minoans on Crete and the Vikings came from Javan.
Japheth's son Madai appears to be the father of the Medes (Iran) & those who settled the Indus Valley.

Ham's descendants spread from the Middle East to Africa. Egyptians came from Ham's line and were considered the first people to rise to power. The Egyptians, Canaanites and Hittites probably collaborated to an extent since they had shared lineages. Canaanites were overran by Jews led by Moses and Joshua as well as Assyrians. Egyptians lost power as the Assyrians neutralized them, then the Greeks and Persians went head to head.

Shem's descendants mostly remained in the Middle East, the Arabian peninsula, southern Turkey & southern Iran. The Aramaic language derived from one of Shem's sons (Aram) which was also spoken by Persians and a form of Aramaic still exists today spoken by Kurds. Semitic people resided along the Tigris & Euphrates rivers and included the Assyrians. Later, Chaldeans/Babylonians took control of Mesopotamia. Semitic influence peaked during the reigns of king David & his son, Solomon but diminished when the Medes and Persians conquered most of Asia.

Go to next timespan > Israelites survive the famine in Egyptian bondage