Birth: Genesis 2:22
Death: (not stated)

Spouse: Adam

  1. Cain - Adam's 1th son
    Reference: Genesis 4:1

  2. Abel - Adam's 2nd son
    Reference: Genesis 4:2

  3. Seth - Adam's 3rd son
    Reference: Genesis 4:25

  4. Other sons and daughters (not named)
    Reference: Genesis 5:4

Links open with New International Version (NIV) verses.
Unless otherwise stated, links applicable in both King James & NIV.

God creates the first woman - Genesis 2:22-25
Satan tricks her into disobeying God - Genesis 3:1-21
Eve named by Adam - Genesis 3:20
Birth of Cain (first son) - Genesis 4:1
Birth of Abel (second son) - Genesis 4:2
Birth of Seth (third son) - Genesis 4:25
Eve gives birth to other sons and daughters - Genesis 5:4

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