Event, people Duration
Adam's son Seth was born 130 Genesis 5:3
Seth's son Enosh was born 105 Genesis 5:6
Enosh's son Kenan was born 90 Genesis 5:12
Kenan's son Mahalalel was born 70 Genesis 5:9
Mahalalel's son Jared was born 65 Genesis 5:15
Jared's son Enoch was born 162 Genesis 5:18
Enoch's son Methuselah was born 65 Genesis 5:21
Methuselah's son Lamech was born 187 Genesis 5:25
Lamech's son Noah was born 182 Genesis 5:28-29
Noah's family survive the Flood 601 Genesis 8:13
Total duration: 1657  

130 + 105 + 90 + 70 + 65 + 162 + 65 + 187 + 182 + 601 = 1657 yrs.

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