The Hittites were Hamites descended from Heth, Canaan's son
(Noah's great-grandson) according to Genesis 10:15 and 1 Chronicles 1:13.

Post-Flood lineage: Noah > Ham > Canaan > Heth

The Hittites lived in Canaan during the time of Abraham (Genesis 23) then were probably pushed north into Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) by Egyptian expansionism. Some maps still show Hittites while the Assyrians were taking Israel hostage. Some of their descendants possibly still lived in Asia Minor when the Persians were fighting against the Greeks in this region (provided that the Cimmerians hadn't decimated them by that time).

Links open with New International Version (NIV) verses.
Unless otherwise stated, links applicable in both King James & NIV.

children of Heth (Hittites) - Genesis 23:5, 7, 10, 18; 49:32
sons of Heth (Hittite men) - Genesis 23:3, 16, 20; 25:10
daughters of Heth (Hittite women) - Genesis 27:46

NIV only:
Genesis 10:15; 27:46; 1 Chronicles 1:13

Beeri the Hittite: (a father-in-law of Esau)
Genesis 26:34

Elon the Hittite: (a father-in-law of Esau)
Genesis 26:34; 36:2

Ephron the Hittite, a descendant of Zohar (below):
Abraham bought land with a cave that became his burial place from Ephron. Genesis 23:10; 49:29-30; 50:13

Uriah the Hittite: (Bathsheba's husband that king David had killed)
2 Samuel 11:3; 23:39
1 Chronicles 11:41

Zohar the Hittite: (ancestor, possibly father, of Ephron)
Genesis 25:9

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