Birth: Genesis 5:28-29

Death: Genesis 9:29 after living 930 years

Lineage: Adam > Seth > Enosh > Kenan > Mahalaleel > Jared > Enoch > Methuselah > Lamech > Noah > (3 sons stated below)

Links open with New International Version (NIV) verses. Unless otherwise stated, links applicable in both King James & NIV.

Noah's grandfather, Methuselah, was the man who the Bible said lived the longest (986 yrs.).

God instructs Noah to create the Ark (huge boat) of cypress - Genesis 6:9-22
Noah's family & numerous animals enter the Ark to survive the Flood - Genesis 7
Flood waters recede, Noah's family & animals exits the Ark - Genesis 8
The Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat near the borders of Turkey, Armenia and Iran.
God's covenant with Noah's family and descendants - Genesis 9

  1. Shem - Noah's 1st son
    References: Genesis 5:32, 6:10, 9:18

  2. Ham - Noah's 2nd son
    References: Genesis 5:32, 6:10, 9:18

  3. Japheth - Noah's 3rd son
    References: Genesis 5:32, 6:10, 9:18

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