Famous for the cedars of Lebanon that king Solomon used to create the Temple, the region formerly known as Phoenicia resides along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanese cities mentioned in the Bible include Tyre and Sidon.
Specific terrain features in Lebanon stated in the Bible are the Valley of Lebanon in Joshua 12:7 and the Lebanon mountains in Judges 3:3. There is also a reference to the summit of Lebanon in Jeremiah 22:6.
The Bible also makes note of the Forest of Lebanon in 1 Kings 7:2 and 10:17 as well as in 2 Chronicles 9 verses 16 and 20.

Links open with New International Version (NIV) verses. Unless otherwise stated, links applicable in both King James & NIV.

1 Kings 16:30-31 says Ahab married Jezebel, daughter to Ethbaal the king of the Sidonians. Zarephath was named as a town in the region of Sidon. The prophet Elijah raised a widow's son from the dead in Zarephath, Sidon during a drought in 1 Kings 17. Luke 4:26 makes reference to this situation.
Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, was mentioned in 1 Kings 11, verses 5 and 33, then again in 2 Kings 23:13.

Hiram, king of Tyre, was basically the only person in Tyre that was named. Three times he was mentioned in 1 Kings 5:1 and 9:11 as well as 1 Chronicles 14:1.

Tyrians (people from Tyre) appeared in 1 Chronicles 22:4 of the New International Version (NIV).

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