Matthew 2:1-12 - the visit of the Magi
Matthew 8:5-13 - the faith of the centurion
Matthew 8:28-34 - the healing of two demon-possessed men
Matthew 11:1-19 - Jesus and John the baptist
Matthew 12:38-45 - the sign of Jonah
Matthew 12:46-50 - Jesus' mother and brothers
Matthew 14:1-12 - John the baptist beheaded
Matthew 15:21-28 - the faith of the Canaanite woman
Matthew 16:5-12 - the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees
Matthew 20:20-28 - a mother's request
Matthew 20:29-34 - two blind men receive sight
Matthew 26:57-68 - before the Sanhedrin
Matthew 27:1-10 - Judas hangs himself
Matthew 27:27-31 - the soldiers mock Jesus
Matthew 27:62-66 - the guard at the tomb
Matthew 28:11-15 - Judas hangs himself
Luke 1:39-45 - Mary visits Elizabeth
Luke 1:46-56 - Mary's song
Luke 1:67-80 - Zechariah's song
Luke 2:8-21 - the shepherds and the angels
Luke 3:1-20 - John the baptist prepares the way
Luke 5:12-16 - the man with leprosy
Luke 5:27-32 - the calling of Levi
Luke 7:1-10 - the faith of the centurion
Luke 7:18-35 - Jesus and John the baptist
Luke 7:36-50 - Jesus anointed by a sinful woman
Luke 8:19-21 - Jesus' mother and brothers
Luke 8:26-39 - the healing of a demon-possessed man
Luke 8:40-56 - a dead girl and a sick woman
Luke 9:10-17 - Jesus feeds the five thousand
Luke 9:37-45 - the healing of a boy with an evil spirit
Luke 9:51-56 - Samaritan opposition
Luke 10:25-37 - the parable of the good Samaritan
Luke 10:38-42 - at the home of Martha and Mary
Luke 11:29-32 - the sign of Jonah
Luke 12:13-21 - the parable of the rich fool
Luke 13:10-17 - a crippled woman healed on the Sabbath
Luke 14:1-14 - Jesus at the Pharisee's house
Luke 16:19-31 - the rich man and Lazarus
Luke 17:11-37 - ten healed of leprosy
Luke 18:9-14 - the parable of the persistent widow
Luke 18:15-17 - the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
Luke 18:31-34 - the rich ruler
Luke 18:35-43 - a blind beggar receives his sight
Luke 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus the tax collector
Luke 22:1-6 - Judas agrees to betray Jesus
Luke 22:63-65 - the soldiers mock Jesus
Hebrews 3:1-6 - Jesus greater than Moses
Hebrews 7:1-10 - Melchisedek, the priest
Hebrews 7:11-28 - Jesus like Melchisedek
Mark 1:1-8 - John the baptist prepares the way
Mark 1:40-45 - a man with leprosy
Mark 2:1-12 - Jesus heals a paralytic
Mark 2:13-17 - the calling of Levi
Mark 3:20-30 - Jesus and Beelzebub
Mark 3:31-35 - Jesus' mother and brothers
Mark 5:1-20 - the healing of a demon-possessed man
Mark 5:21-43 - a dead girl and a sick woman
Mark 6:14-29 - John the baptist beheaded
Mark 6:30-44 - Jesus feeds the five thousand
Mark 7:24-30 - the faith of the Syrophoenician woman
Mark 7:31-37 - the healing of a deaf and mute man
Mark 8:14-21 - the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod
Mark 8:22-26 - the healing of a blind man at Bethsaida
Mark 9:14-32 - the healing of a boy with an evil spirit
Mark 10:46-52 - blind Bartimaeus receives his sight
Mark 14:53-65 - before the Sanhedrin
Mark 15:1-15 - Jesus before Pilate
John 1:19-28 - John the baptist denies being the Christ
John 3:1-21 - Jesus teaches Nicodemus
John 3:22-36 - John the baptist's testimony about Jesus
John 4:1-26 - Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman
John 4:39-42 - many Samaritans believe
John 4:43-54 - Jesus heals the official's son
John 9:1-12 - Jesus heals a man born blind
John 9:13-34 - the Pharisees investigate the healing
John 11:17-37 - Jesus comforts the sisters
John 11:38-44 - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
John 18:12-14 - Jesus taken to Annas
John 18:19-24 - the high priest questions Jesus
John 20:10-18 - Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
Acts 3:1-10 - Peter heals the crippled beggar
Acts 3:11-26 - Peter speaks to the onlookers
Acts 5:1-11 - Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 8:4-8 - Simon the sorcerer
Acts 8:26-40 - Philip and the Ethiopian
Acts 9:1-19 - Saul's conversion
Acts 9:23-48 - Aeneas and Dorcas
Acts 10:1-8 - Cornelius calls for Peter
Acts 10:23-48 - Peter at Cornelius' house
Acts 13:1-3 - Barnabus and Saul set off
Acts 15:1-21 - the council at Jerusalem
Acts 15:22-35 - the council's letter to Gentile believers
Acts 16:11-15 - Lydia's conversion in Philippi
Acts 18:18-28 - Priscilla, Aquila and Apollus
Acts 20:7-12 - Eutychus raised from the dead at Troas
Philemon 1:8-25 - Paul's plea for Onesimus
Revelation 20:7-10 - Satan's doom