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Verses 1-12 - warning against falling away
Verses 13-20 - the certainty of God's promise
Verses 1-10 - worship in the earthly tabernacle
Verses 11-28 - the blood of Christ
Verses 1-13 - God disciplines his sons
Verses 14-29 - warning against refusing God
Verses 1-10 - Melchisedek, the priest
Verses 11-28 - Jesus like Melchisedek
Verses 1-18 - Christ's sacrifice once for all
Verses 19-39 - a call to preserve
Verses 1-14 - the son superior to angels
Verses 1-4 - warning to pay attention
Verses 5-18 - Jesus made like his brothers
Verses 1-6 - Jesus greater than Moses
Verses 7-19 - warning against unbelief
Verses 1-13 - a Sabbath rest for the people of God
Verses 14-16 - Jesus, the great high priest
Verses 1-10 - Jesus, the great high priest
Verses 11-14 - warning against falling away
Verses 1-13 - the high priest of a new covenant