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Verses 1-3 - introduction (New Testament)
Verses 4-9 - thanksgiving
Verses 10-17 - divisions in the church
Verses 18-31 - Christ, the wisdom and power of God

Verses 1-5 - Christ, the wisdom and power of God
Verses 6-16 - wisdom from the spirit

Verses 1-23 - on divisions in the church

Verses 1-21 - apostles of Christ

Verses 1-13 - expel the immoral brother!

Verses 1-13 - food sacrificed to idols

Verse 1 - the believer's freedom
Verses 2-16 - propriety in worship
Verses 17-34 - the Lord's supper

Verses 1-25 - gifts of prophecy and tongues
Verses 26-40 - orderly worship

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